Dried Apricot Jam

  • This amazing jam made using dried apricots has a lovely, deep caramel flavour and aroma.
  • Tastes divine on wholegrain toast.
  • Use to top your morning porridge for a rich fruit flavour.
  • Perfect for pancakes, ice cream and cake and doughnut filling.
  • Vegan.

Other Ingredients

  • 850ml filtered water


  1. Wash the apricots in clean water, cut into smaller pieces and place in a big saucepan. Cover with 850ml filtered water and leave to soak overnight.
  2. Bring to boil and simmer for about 45 minutes. 
  3. Add the lemon juice and sugar and simmer until sugar dissolves.
  4. Remove from the heat, stir in pectin. If your jam isn’t the right consistency, put it back on the stove, bring to boil and cook for around 3 mins.
  5. Leave to cool.
  6. If you want to pot your jam, remove it from the stove when it’s piping hot, pour into sterilised jars, screw the lids on, place upside down on the kitchen top and leave to cool. When cool, check whether the lids have sealed by pressing the middle of the lid with a finger.
Dried Apricot Jam Dried Apricot Jam Dried Apricot Jam