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Contact Us - Our team is here to help!

Contact our customer service team! We are based in Sussex and deliver to the whole of the UK.

Frequently asked questions

We have the answer to our most commonly asked questions here. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for here, please see below on how to contact us.

Help page

Track an Order


You can use the form below to send us an email. Email is our preferred method of communication, and our team here in Sussex respond quickly. We answer the emails before we answer the phones!

You can be assured that we always give helpful replies to emails, with proper answers to the questions rather than stock answers!

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Order Number (if relevant):
What's this about
Your Telephone Number (optional):
Your Message:

Note that if you have placed an order, you can also email us by replying to your order receipt!


We recommend using email to contact us, either by using the form above, replying to your order receipt email, or using the email address service@healthysupplies.co.uk.

To contact us by telephone.We offer a freephone number for those who are unable to send an email. This goes through to our answering service. For the fastest response, please send an email using the form above. We answer emails quickly and give thorough replies!0800 689 1982
For non-customer queriesE.g. if you are a supplier.If you are a prospective supplier, please email using the form above.

Company Information

Healthy Supplies Ltd is a limited company, reg. 6960233. Vat No. 976016309. EORI: GB976016309000

Our Postal Address is:

Healthy Supplies Ltd
South Coast House
35 Chartwell Road
Lancing Business Park
West Sussex
BN15 8TU

Healthy Supplies is based in a business unit with warehousing space in Lancing, West Sussex.

Terms and Conditions

Click here for our terms and conditions page.

Customer Reviews on Trustpilot

Read about how much our customers love Healthy Supplies
Jo Gleed-Owen
I couldn’t wait to make myself a cuppa with the Greek Mountain Tea that arrived yesterday. It help...
Jo Gleed-Owen
Mike Joyce
How fantastic are the organic beetroot burgers an excellent addition to our barbecue.Healthy supplie...
Mike Joyce
Janet Moses
Very pleased with my Healthy Supplies order. Everything came in good time, no problems with the deli...
Janet Moses
Mr N T Ledger
We ordered some oat fibre and this morning I have baked low carb bread. Everybody who is adopted to ...
Mr N T Ledger
Ioulia (Yulia) Bykova
I love your einkorn flour, ordered another batch as soon as I ran out.. also ordered brown rice flou...
Ioulia (Yulia) Bykova